NETWORK – Globalhealth
NETWORK – Aesthetics

NETWORK – Aesthetics
Here you can find all information on the Globalhealth Sub-Network NETWORK-Aesthetics:
Information for physicians
Here you can find all information for physicians and NETWORK members:
- Courses of the Globalhealth Academy for Aesthetic Medicine
- The NETWORKs faculties:
- Member’s area
- Products and order forms
- NETWORK-Lipolysis /
faculty of Lipolysis - NETWORK-AestheticMeso /
faculty of Aesthetic Mesotherapy - NETWORK-Keloid /
faculty of Keloid - NETWORK-PRP /
faculty of PRP (platelet rich plasma) - NETWORK-CRT /
faculty of CRT (cell rejuvenation therypy) - NETWORK-Threadlift /
faculty of Threadlift - NETZWORK-Cryodent /
faculty of Cryodent - Media archive
- Board of directors and trainers
Information for patients
Here you can find all information for interested patients: