NETWORK – Globalhealth
NETWORK Extended Medicine
General Information

What do we mean by Extended Medicine?
- that have a scientific or traditional foundation
- that have proven themselves in use, i.e. have shown healing successes
- that are often oriented towards energetic treatment
- that see themselves as a reminder of classical or as an innovation of new methods of conventional medicine
- that can only be used as alternative methods of medicine in specific cases
- that are mainly used for systemic diseases
- that serve in large part as prophylaxis
- whose procedures and concepts are multipliable and verifiable
- whose contents and objects have been systematised
- whose knowledge and practice can be learned cognitively
What else?
Furthermore, in our opinion, Extended Medicine includes all areas that are interlinked with the socio-political or health-political situation of the doctor, physician, therapist, or healer. This includes self-assertion of one’s own conscience inside the network of diverse interest groups, as well as the role of the doctor towards his patients, and the problems of an independent businessman, his administrative necessities inside the health-political spectrum, his leadership abilities within the framework of the work of a team, his communicative profiles, his technical-practical know-how and the art of selecting the adequate drug. You will find a wide range of offers from experienced colleagues and other specialists within the framework of the Globalhealth Academy. The science of the human body, the subject of human medicine, is only one part of the overall network in which every doctor moves in his or her profession.
In the process of building this network, in which we must fall back on conceptual offers that are concretely available to us, these are:
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Therapies of conventional medicine
- Homoeopathy
- Kinesiology
- Neural therapy
- Nutripuncture therapy
- Orthomolecular medicine
- Acupuncture
- Manual therapies
- Ethnic medicine
- Significance of phospholipids for the human organism
- Medications (phospholipids, food supplements, pads, etc.)
- Mitochondria and anti-anging
- Magnetic therapies
- Practice Management
- Communication strategies
- Etc.
It is clear from the wording that we do not consider this to be exhaustive and invite everyone to contribute to the further development of the range of concepts.
The NETWORKs offer is to be understood as a complementary contribution in diagnosis, prophylaxis, and treatment of the following diseases, such as autoimmune disorders, metabolic disorders and hormonal disorders. These include e.g.:
- Rheumatism
- Allergies
- Diabetes
- Diseases of the nervous system
- Organ insufficiencies
- Skin diseases
- Hormonal disorders
- General metabolic disorders
- Disorders of the immune or autoimmune system
- Chronic pains
- Arteriosclerosis
- a.o.