NETWORK – Globalhealth
General Information
The philosophy of the NETWORK
To live! Like a tree alone and free
Like a forest in brotherhood
This yearning is ours!
Nâzim Hikmet
The concept of a network is a modern one and we encounter it at numerous levels of social life and scientific research (in the context of medicine, for example, in bacteriology).
The general and now universally valid realization behind this is that objects of global and universal events do not exist independently of one another but are connected to each other and that this connection has a constitutive influence on our world as an object itself.
Above all, global interaction and communication appear as an evident network in which the individuals are connected to each other through feedback processes, therefore influencing each other and producing synergy effects.
We have chosen the term NETWORK for ourselves because we want to distinguish from the classical medical societies and because of many doctors’ requests.
We never look at our therapies in isolation from social-historical environment. We integrate the qualification of communicative, aesthetic, social skills into training of medical and technical skills.
We strive for international standardization in aesthetic medicine. Therefore, we see ourselves as a communicative platform for the exchange of experience and information.
The individual abilities and approaches on the NETWORK members are synergetically distilled and condensed. That is the reason why there are no hierarchies inside the Network, but communicators, representatives, moderators, responsible persons. Self-initiative is our motto..
As operators of the NETWORK, we see ourselves as moderators. The NETWORK Globalhealth contains sub-networks called faculties in which you can also become active in addition to the communication platform at Globalhealth to generate benefits for your professional situation.
Our faculties are in a permanent process of development and are constantly forming new patterns and structures that open new spaces for their members, which also stimulate daily practice. New sub-networks are continuously being formed. The range of beneficial and low-priced offers of working materials and tools is constantly growing.
Worldwide networking and interaction of our members accelerates the development of Globalhealth and its faculties, therapies and members at an high-quality level.